The camp is going ahead this year, for young people from the age of 6, between Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st July inclusive. PLEASE NOTE: this camp is only open to families in the Staughtons, Perry & Hail Weston villages or who have a connection to one of our...
St. Andrew’s Church Tours
A guided tour through the history of St. Andrew's church and some of the people who have placed Great Staughton "on the map". A journey across eight centuries of England’s history as we explore the architecture of the historic church of St Andrew and tell the stories...
Men’s Breakfast – Tuesday 25th February at St. Andrew’s Church, Great Staughton.
Join us for Refreshments and chat from 10.30am to midday Gentlemen enjoying their breakfast and members of the team supporting the morning
Tea in the garden at Rectory Farm – 7th July
Tea in being served in the garden at Rectory Farm, Little Staughton, MK44 2TA on Sunday 7th July from 2.30pm until 5.00pm Entry is with a free ticket booked in advance from either:Julia Harris : 07763 977649Gill Shaw : 07979 861320Sue Day : 07983 500093 Donations for...
Wine & English Cheeses evening with Martin John
Join SNRG at The Vicarage, Great Staughton on Friday 28th June for an evening of entertainment from Martin John while sampling a selection of wine and English cheeses. Entrance with a pre-booked ticket only. Tickets - £20.00 each; Children under 18 years are £5 each...
Father’s Day Family BBQ at Place House
Join us in the grounds of Place House, The Town, Great Staughton on Sunday 16th June from 12.00pm - 4.00pm for the annual family BBQ; including a bar This year supporting the StAR (St. Andrew's Renovation) Project which is looking to make greater use of St. Andrew's...
Deanery Rogation Walk at 3.00pm on Sunday 12th May
Please join us for our annual Rogation service and walk. This year at Harry's Yard, Agden Green, PE19 5DQ (by Petsercise) by kind permission of Will and Emma Mumford. All ages are welcome to join in the tradition of blessing our farms, villages, crops and...
Hunts Male Voices are singing at St. Andrew’s!
Join us at St. Andrew's Church, Great Staughton for an evening of entertainment with the Hunts Male Voices. Friday 19th April at 7.30pm Tickets are £15.00 each and include a free drink and nibbles Tickets can be purchased here Or use this QR code: Or contact:John...
Royals and Regals – an illustrated talk by Mark Egerton
The St. Nicolas Restoration Group requests the pleasure of your company on Friday 26th January for an illustrated talk on the Royals and Regals of Huntingdonshire presented by Mark Egerton - author of "The Haunted History of Huntingdonshire". 7.00pm for a 7.15pm start...
SNRG invite you to an evening with SUGS
ST NICOLAS CHURCH RESTORATION GROUP requests the pleasure of your company for a UKULELE BAND EVENING with Sandy Ukulele Group Friday, 10th November 2023 at St Nicolas Church, Hail Weston, PE19 5JS 7.00 p.m. for 7.15 p.m. start Tickets £12.50 (including a glass of...